VisTracks, Inc. Apps

DriverTraq 1.0.1612.5307
VisTracks, Inc.
An application that works with theVisTracksplatform to help drivers track their hours ofservice
VisTracks 3.0.2114.210816
VisTracks, Inc.
VisTracks™ Hours of Services is a powerful but easy to usetablet-based service certified with US Department of TransportationFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations forelectronic logs and vehicle inspections. Regulations for electronicdriving and vehicle inspection logs have become commonplace toensure the veracity of driver tablet input and ensured compliancewith regulations. VisTracks Hours of Service is compliant withfederal and state regulations as well as Canadian regulations.VisTracks Hours of Service is designed to be sold by thosecompanies which sell software and other products and services tofleets large and small. VisTracks Hours of Service is not solddirectly to end customers, and is completely white-labelled. Itsfeature set and ease of use makes it the ideal product to bothretain existing customers, or avoid significant development expenseand time to market in developing such a product set. A keydifferentiator for VisTracks Hours of Service is the ability tosupport numerous Android tablet brands. An owner-operator, forexample, can purchase an inexpensive Android tablet or use his/hersmartphone and be fully compliant using VisTracks Hours of Service.In addition, several ELD hardware brands are supported, includingname brands such as CalAmp, Geometris, and Digi as well as otherbrands throughout a broad price range. Most other Hours of Servicevendors require the customer to purchase custom hardware which isexpensive and difficult to upgrade. VisTracks Hours of Serviceprovides total flexibility for hardware selection and monetaryinvestment. Other differentiators include: - Enhanced andCustomized Inspections - Unlike other providers, out portal’s loggrid clearly shows violations - Slip Seat and Team Driving -Offline support – disconnected operation - Automatic retry for lossof connectivity with the ELD - Two-way integration of portal editswith the device including full edit logging - Fully integratedportal backend for driver dashboard at home office, feature rich,fully synchronized with tablet and all HOS product options -Ability to control tablet settings from the portal, such asdisabling driver log edits on the tablet by the driver - Ability tofilter log edit reports on portal by consistent codes from a dropdown menu—not available on other products which only supportfree-form entries of reasons for an edit which are difficult tosort by and track - Easy to use, minimal training required,on-screen documentation to minimize errors and support costs - Easyto use administration tools for account, vehicle and drivermanagement - IFTA In addition: - Mobile Worker – mobile work ordersand job assignments
SnapTraq - Exp 1.0.1615.5689
VisTracks, Inc.
Monitor the location of your assets,recordyour own movements, and receive custom alerts with SnapTraq™.Thisnew app provides convenient access to your VisTracks™accountproviding a custom client to view and manage your assets, aswellas offering the ability to periodically report yoursmartphone’sposition.The SnapTraq Android client uses your existingVisTrackscredentials to allow you to keep track of the movements ofall yourmanaged assets even while you’re away from your PC. Simplylaunchthe app and log in with your assigned username and passwordandyou’ll immediately see the current locations of each trackedassetas well as any alerts they may have triggered based ontheirmotion.Features· User-settable refresh rate for updating asset locations· User-settable reporting interval for position tracking· Server-based or client-based settings· Immediately locate asset on map· Search and Filter facilities· Review alert history· View time of last report for all assets· View target zones